Creative Society Conversation with Naphtali Bryant

Naphtali T. Bryant is a named Top 100 Leader in Education. He is the Founder and the CEO of Spark-ED University, a platform that helps students and their parents with college funding, scholarships, and career exploration.

“I Help Students Get Paid to Go to College” is not just a slogan but a lifestyle for me – says Naphtali. He is helping others to learn how to choose a career, find the right school, find funding, and how to use tools to be more successful while in school.

We are glad to have Naphtali T. Bryant on our today’s Live Conversation. Naphtali will share with us his vision of the Creative Society. How does he see it? What is the role of the education system in it? How should it be organized?

The project Creative Society is implemented by volunteers of ALLATRA International Public Movement in order to find out how each person in the world envisions the future of our Society. If you would like to learn more about the Creative Society project, please visit or you can send us an email at